Speculative fiction, alternative worlds, futuristic, supernatural, horror
Sep 16th, 2022, 1:51 pm
Shopocalypse Saga by Damien Hanson, Joseph Phelps (#1-3,5-6)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 740 + 700 + 822 KB
Overview: Damien Hanson was born in Merrill, Wisconsin where he rushed off to the Army, then college, then Korea, where he settled down with his lovely wife. He teaches at Kimpo University by day, and at his own academy by night, somehow finding time for Dnd with his friends every month and time with his son every night.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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BuyMort: Grand Opening: How I Became the Accidental Warlord of Arizona (#1)
Tyson was just a handyman. A non-motivated slacker. The kinda dude that you inevitably find hanging out doing odd jobs at the local trailer park, a couple ragged bucks in their pocket and a jar of change on top of their ancient microwave. That was, of course, until the arrival of BuyMort.

Nanobots of a mercantile sort, the robots of the Shopocalypse, these bad boys set up shop in everything with even an ounce of sapience and installed the only app anyone would ever need to have — BuyMort, the multidimensional monopoly with something for everyone. Priced appropriately in accordance with the market's desires.

For some it was a nightmare. For others it was a travesty. For Tyson, it was the birth of an empire.

BuyMort: Smart Shopper: How I Became the Accidental Warlord of Arizona (#2)
The algorithms predicted that Nu-Earth would fall. That all Nu-Earth humans would soon be extinct.

The algorithms didn't understand Tyson Dawes.

After pacifying the old Earth underground military base and defeating the Sleem, Tyson Dawes and Silken Sands are flush with new items and morties. But the Dearth Conglomerate has been circling over them in Arizona, and they want his land.

Which wouldn't be such a problem if the boss weren't such an incompetent and spoiled child.

Bad business decisions, cronyistic impulses and an unrelenting invisible hand continue to hem in Tyson and his Nu-Earth refugees. Allies fall and life, already cheap, moves to the discount bin as he's forced to face the bottom line.

BuyMort: Rise of the Windowpuncher: How I Became the Accidental Warlord of Arizona (#3)
A leader dead. A complicated relationship lost.

And a conglomerate angered . . .

After unwittingly becoming the CEO of the growing Silken Sands Affiliate, Tyson finds himself in an increasingly dangerous Arizonan desert, the protector of a growing community of Nu-Earth humans faced with the very real possibility of total corporate annihilation.

Dearth wants their land and they will not take no for an answer.

But behind Tyson stand a growing band of capable administrators and heroes, and a community of people who believe in him.

He is their leader. And they trust in him, even if he doesn't trust in himself.

Powerful multiversal forces are at play. Market upsets, brilliant purchases and the invisible hand slide, slap and strangle as the campaign for Arizona state rages, and Silken Sands digs in for decisive battle.

BuyMort: Bull Market Mayhem: How I Cornered The Multiversal Monopoly (#5)
When the universe decides to default on its existential loans, who better to foreclose the apocalypse than the Windowpuncher, Tyson Dawes?

Dearth Conglommerate is plummeting in market value and Kraken is no more. But not all threats have been extinguished. Thanks to the rising threat of the Sleem, the whole multiverse is in danger. Desperate for a cosmic bailout, the Church calls for a financial crusade. Meanwhile, Molls and her family fall into a whole mess of market shock and face futures unknown.

With Storage under threat of hostile foreclosure, the universe faced with Sleem saturation, and Silken Sands spread thinly over too many areas of opportunity, has BuyMort found its final market victor?

From the elastic supply of the Church’s Inquisition auditing Silken Sands, to a climactic battle with ROI (that's Return on Incineration, by the way) so low it crashes all markets, this is one fiscal year you won't want to miss.

BuyMort: Closing Time: How I Crashed the Multiversal Market (#6)
The Showdown has begun . . .

As the cosmos reels, the precarious balance of BuyMort is on the brink of collapse. The Sleem have fallen, leaving a power vacuum that echoes across the multiverse. New threats loom as the Church initiates a desperate crusade, not just for dominance but for survival.

Facing them? Tyson Dawes, the Windowpuncher, Warlord of Nu-Earth and CEO of Silken Sands. Meeting the relics of the Church with relics of his own, tricking, baiting, and battling the tremendous power of the Beholders, some say he has gone too far. With his newly claimed territories in the Sleem system, Tyson brokers power with a mastery that reshapes destinies. Yet, as his influence grows, so does the scrutiny and the envy of the multiverse’s darkest corners.

With BlueCleave at his side, Tyson must face against the most powerful entities in the universe while maintaining a good public image to an increasingly hostile consumer base.

Does he have the morties, will, and talent required to survive?

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